To do so, first navigate to /tmp directory by typing the below command in Terminal: $ cd /tmp Step 4: Now we will need to extract the VMware tools to another working directory let’s say /tmp. Then type the below command to mount the CD-ROM drive at the mount point. If the directory exists already, skip this command. Then create a directory for mount point by typing the below command. When prompted for the password, enter the root password. First, you will need to log in as a root.

If you see the output similar to below, then it is mounted.

Step2: Then check if your system has automatically mounted the VMware tools CD-ROM image by running the following command in Terminal: $ mount In case, if you have already installed VMware tools and you want to repair it, then click on Re-install VMware tools. To do so, go to the top menu of your VM manager and navigate to VM > Install VMware tools. Step 1: To install VMware tools in Debian VM, you will need to connect the VMware tools virtual CD to VM CD-ROM drive. In this method, we will install guest tools using VMware tools that come with the VMware virtualization application. Method # 1: Install VMware tools that come with the VMware virtualization application The same steps will work on Debian 10 as well. We will use the latest version Debian 11 for describing the procedure mentioned in this article.